среда, 19 августа 2020 г.
четверг, 13 августа 2020 г.
SS-X-30 SARMAT - RS-28 Sarmat
SS-X-30 SARMAT - RS-28 Sarmat
complex 15P128 or 15P228, missile 15A28
Launch tube with ejection-test version of ICBM RS-28 Sarmat (test-site Plesetsk before launch 27.12.2017, http://mil.ru) |
autumn 2015 (26.06.2015)
02-ejection - Second ejection test (two of three) - mod. RS-28 Sarmat for ejection tests - test-site Plesetsk Yubileynaya site (silo) - 29.03.2018
Transportation-loading vehicle 15T526. Developer - KB Motor TsENKI.
Upper part of transport-launch tube of Sarmat ICBM |
Reloading ICBM Sarmat from train to transportation vehicle |
Transportation-loading vehicle 15T526 |
Three stages missile with liquide engines. At first stage used engine similar to 15D285 for SATAN ICBM. Similar liquide engines used at second and third stages.

Guidance: autonomic inertial guidance system with most modern hyroscop system.
First ejection launch of Sarmat missile at Plesetsk, 27.12.2017. |
Second ejection launch of Sarmat ICBM, Plesetsk, 29.03.2018 |
Yours Missiles Underground
понедельник, 10 августа 2020 г.
Russian ICBM staff (2020)
Russian ICBM staff (2020)
R-36M2 SATAN - 46 missiles (each 10 middle MIRV)
RS-12M2 Topol-M (silo) - 60 missiles (mono RV 1Mt-class)
RS-24 Yars - 101 TEL with missiles (each 6 light MIRV)
RS-24 Yars (silo) - 18 missiles (each 6 light MIRV)
суббота, 8 августа 2020 г.
New video of 9M723 launch (05/08/2020)
New video of 9M723 launch (05/08/2020)
Russian TV channel Zvezda published at 05.08.2020 new video about training launchs 9K720 Iskander-M of 1th battery of 630th division at Kapustin Yar poligon. At video we can see 2 launchs of 9M723 ballistic missiles, 1 launch of probably Tochka-M missile or cruise missile like 9M728 or 9M729 and Smerch MLRS launchs. I want to post some frames from this video with only 9K720 Iskander-M system.
TEL 9P78-1 of 9K720 Iskander-M missile complex
Internal view of battery's command-staff vehicle 9S552 or vehicle for prepare aim information 9S920
Internal view of 9P78-1 TEL of 9K720 Iskander-M complex
9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M complex
9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M complex before launch
9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M complex at first second of launch
Start of 9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M
Start of 9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M. You can see extract of bondage
Start of 9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M
Start of 9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M
Starts of 9M723 ballistic missile of 9K720 Iskander-M
Interesting moment of launchs of 9M723 - unexpectedly drive maneuver at launch part can change traektory of missiles.
Special maneuverable drives of 9M723 missile for same correct of traektory.
Yours, Missiles Underground
пятница, 7 августа 2020 г.
Yars designation
First post from new military blog "Missiles Underground". We will write about modern missiles systems - russian and other. But most of russian. And lets begin...
Yars designation
Russian mobie ICBM Yars have several modification
1. First mobile model Yars (Topol-MR) - SS-29 or SS-27 mod.2 SICKLE-B - name of complex 15P155M, name of TEL - 15U175M, missile - 15Zh55M, name for INF-treaty RS-12M2R, auto base is MZKT-79221. Base digits 55M because 55 was base digits for Topol-M / Universal missiles and Yars is MIRV-mod of Topol-M.
2. Second mobile mod. Yars-S with middle-class N-warheads and new equipment - name of complex 15P155M1, name of TEL - 15U175M1, missile - 15Zh55M1, name for INF-treaty RS-12M2R1, autobase is MZKT-79221.
3. Third mobile mod. Yars-M (not in service on 2020, only tested) - new missile probably with separate engine for each MIRV - name of complex 15P180, name of TEL - 15U200 (?), missile - 15Zh80.
Also they had three silo-mod of Yars with similar warheads ability:
1. Yars - name of complex 15P165M, name of launch system - 15P765M, missile - 15Zh65M, name for INF-treaty RS-12M2R.
2. Yars-S - name of complex 15P165M1, name of launch system - 15P765M1, missile - 15Zh65M1, name for INF-treaty RS-12M2R1.
3. Yars-M - name of complex 15P181, name of launch system - 15P781 (?), missile - 15Zh81.
That's all for now about Yars.
Yours Missiles Underground
And about Sarmat (part II)
Engines According to the already known data on the Sarmat rocket, the development of engines for the first stage is carried out by NPO Energ...
SS-X-30 SARMAT - RS-28 Sarmat complex 15P128 or 15P228, missile 15A28 upd.11/09/2020 Heavy liquide intercontinental ballistic missile - miss...
Engines According to the already known data on the Sarmat rocket, the development of engines for the first stage is carried out by NPO Energ...
New russian cruise missile - izdelie 506 / Kh-BD A few days ago, state tests of a new cruise missile could be completed. GosMKB "Raduga...